Nous sommes en mars 2023 et le GIEC, l’organisme scientifique le plus réputé au monde en matière de changement climatique, a publié la synthèse de son sixième rapport d’évaluation, qui résume l’état de la science climatique,

  • c’est une réalité.
  • nous n’avons pas de temps à perdre.
  • le monde est loin d’avoir atteint ses objectifs en matière de climat.
  • Les émissions de gaz à effet de serre doivent être réduites au cours de cette décennie et atteindre un niveau d’émissions nettes nulles d’ici le milieu du siècle.

At generizon we are trying, daily, to make a real impact and you can be part of this ongoing effort, it is a fight, an uphill struggle.

  • we study environmental waste-to-energy and other projects, their feasibility and bank-ability, we lobby authorities,
  • we partner with national institutions, universities, ministries, government agencies, banks, and international organizations,
  • and we try to get things done and implement proven environmental technology, we offer, sell and install the equipment, we build turn-key.

This is not work, it is life, it is a journey, it is an attitude, the planet won’t wait.

If you want to be part of all this?

send us your cv.

We are looking for university graduates. We also support your PFE.

ideally, you are an engineer.

  • a degree in mechanical engineering or similar would be just fine,
  • waste and water management is good,
  • but really anything might work… even finance and accounting.

what we expect.

  • an understanding of business and opportunities,
  • an understanding of energy,
  • you love to work with numbers, scrutinize, crunch numbers, excel and all,
  • to have a good grasp of basic chemistry, biology, physics, heat and pressure equations, etc., anything that reminds of an engineering background,
  • good knowledge of English language, excellent skills writing in French, any other language is a plus,
  • that you are a reliable team member, that you teach others, that you care,
  • a drivers license.

it is a plus if.

  • you comprehend how an engine works or similar, even better if you can repair an engine.
  • you are a mechanic. you are an electrician.

what we offer.

  • we are a challenging multicultural dynamic team,
  • we travel and you will,
  • we teach you, and we care for you.

Chez generizon nous nous engageons pour les principes d’égalité des sexes et de non-discrimination.

À titre d’employeur souscrivant au principe de l’égalité d’accès à l’emploi, generizon encourage des applications de tous individués qualifiés, indépendamment de la race, sexe, nationalité, religion, etc.

Send your CV to