generizon’s projects, biogas production, waste treatment, methane capture and renewable energy production are by definition climate projects, because they verifiably reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and therefore protect the climate!
Basically, climate change projects are development projects beneficial to the local population, very often in the proximity of such a project, it guarantees a healthier life, with less pollution, better protection of water and air, with benefits to health, the environment, etc. — the climate.
These climate projects may attract support from companies or states, these projects allow them to offset their own inevitable emissions, and without carbon offsetting, these companies or states will not reach their mitigation objectives and their commitments (NDCs ) under the Paris Agreement.
These climate projects attract support from both, companies or states, as these projects allow them to offset their own inevitable emissions. Without carbon offsetting, these companies or states will not reach their mitigation objectives and their commitments (NDCs ) under the Paris Agreement.
generizon studies all possibilities to capitalize on the facts that its projects are at the center of the climate change debate. We are currently establishing a program of state character, also work on private / voluntary conventions. The aim is that when a project reduces GHG emissions, that they be certified and verified, thus sold as climate certificates and finally able to subsidize and support our said projects for the benefits of our customers, operators, and finally the citizens of Morocco and Africa.
In fact, generizon provides advice to its customers, while it promotes climate projects and explains the technical aspects, savings, certification and verification of decarbonization. We provide technical support to project owner in this direction.