biological desulfurization.

In principle the generizon partner, TS Umweltanlagenbau GmbH, is a company in Brieselang, Zeestow, Germany that uses plastic compounds to produce its main product; a biogas desulfurization trickling bed reactor to environmentally safely and cost efficiently remove low to high to very high charges of hydrogen sulfide, H2S, in mainly bio-, sewage- and landfill gases.
Sulfur is an important elementary component in nature. hydrogen sulfide forms during the microbial breakdown of organic materials in the absence of oxygen, it is always present in the different gases like bio-, sewage- and landfill gas.
H2S is extremely corrosive, toxic (the smell of rotten eggs and irritated eyes in shallow concentrations, paralyzation of nerves and certain death at higher concentrations) and harmful to the environment (produces SO2 and acid rain when burnt).
It is the corrosive property that can already over a short time destroy a combined heat and power gas engine’s pistons, cylinder heads and liners, and plugs the exhaust system and exhaust gas heat exchanger with elementary sulfur. it equally reduces the lifetime of a boiler/burner.
A biological procedure is the solutions that TS Umweltanlagenbau invented and further developed over almost 40 years; it is foremost effective, has low operation costs and runs fully automatized. it is especially suited to selectively remove hydrogen sulfide; over 900 references on all five continents speak almost for themselves.
advantages of biological desulfurization.
The advantages of biological desulphurisation plants against other processes such as activated carbon filters or chemical washers are summarized.
- No use of chemicals (NaOH, H2O2, iron pellets, activated carbon), no cost for chemicals.
- Depending on H2S load this can be significant.
- For every project generizon works out the potential cost-savings if a chemical washer was used instead of a biological system.
- Equally cost savings on activated carbon adsorption is calculated and put in relation to the investment.
- There are furthermore no disposal costs for activated carbon or iron ore.
- The biology works in continuous mode.

biological desulfurization plant in Morocco. 10,000 ppm H2S.

bio filter deodorization. sewage and industrial processes.

TS bio filter plants incorporate one or several process levels/stages, they are built to customer requirements and purpose. Bio trickling bed reactor, chemical launderer and active carbon filter work in front or after the actual biological cleaning. Important process levels in a bio filter plant are: air compression, dust cleaning, heating or cooling, humidification, and biological cleaning.
The quality requirements of VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure) guideline 3477 are at the foundation of TS bio filter plants.
Because of the corrosive effect of the pollutants they have to be cleaned, only the following materials are being used in TS bio filters, polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP), coated steel and high-grade steel.
Areas of application are found in:
- municipal or industrial sewage treatment plants, deodorization in wastewater treatment plants (wwtp),
- food industry,
- chemical industry,
- agriculture,
- leather industry,
- biogas plants, waste treatment plants,
- paper industry,
- TS bio filter.

TS. in a nutshell.
- biological desulfurization of biogas.
- bio filter for exhaust air purification and deodorization.
- trickling bed reactor for up to 50,000 ppm H2S.
- environmentally safe and cost efficient.
- invented and developed over almost 40 years.
- 900 references on five continents.
- TS Umweltanlagenbau GmbH.