stainless steel. world-wide experience.

generizon offers turn-key anaerobic digestion plants from the conception and study phase to EPC and operation and maintenance then after.
generizon has a long-running excellent partnership with WELTEC BIOPOWER GmbH, one of the world’s leading enterprises in the field of stainless-steel biogas plant construction. The company has planned, developed, and built anaerobic digestion plants since 2001. Today, the medium-sized company has about 80 employees at the headquarters in Vechta, and has established more than 350 energy plants in 25 countries worldwide. The global distribution and service network spans six continents. The range of customers includes businesses from the agriculture, food, waste, and wastewater industries.
The strength of WELTEC BIOPOWER lies in custom-tailored design and technically mature solutions for projects from 360 kWel up to 10 MWel capacity. In this context, the high proportion of internally developed components is a key success factor. The company also owes its leading edge to the use of stainless steel. This enables the input of a diverse range of feedstocks, a fast and economical assembly, and a consistently high-quality standard ‒ regardless of the location.
After a biogas plant goes live, generizon offers additional support through an experienced mechanical and biological service team. The 24/7 availability contributes significantly to the efficiency of the plant.
flexible powerful technologies.

The plants have a modular structure. WELTEC uses only proven system components and develops most of the technologies along the entire value chain internally: digester technology, mixing technology, control technology, hygienization systems, and digestate processing solutions originate from the company.
By means of our comprehensive services, generizon and WELTEC ensure the technical and economic stability of the biogas plants. The CHP service guarantees stable output, the biological supervision ensures continuous monitoring of the relevant parameters, and systematic repowering makes sure that the biogas plant is always up to date. Operators can choose from a range of service packages of different types and scopes.
Through all the strengths of WELTEC generizon has the ability to deliver individual and flexible solutions worldwide – from compact plants to large computer-controlled plants in the megawatt range, waste recycling plants, and biogas parks with gas processing technology.
organic waste treatment plants.

No waste plant is like another. For instance, the different substrates such as expired foodstuffs and biodegradable waste from markets to slaughterhouses do vary in terms of energy content, consistency, and volume supplied. With our experience and expertise, generizon and WELTEC deliver customized concepts for waste processing all the way through to digestate utilization.
WELTEC has successfully implemented organic waste-to-energy plants in Cyprus, Poland, England, and Australia operating with a variety of feedstocks, from slaughterhouse waste, and market food waste to agro-industrial waste.
the Moroccan organic waste-to-energy program.
generizon in Morocco has since 2018 co-created the Moroccan Organic Waste-to-Energy (OWtE) Program, which lays out a workable plan and feasibility to install 15 biodigesters in several regions in Morocco, each processing daily 50 tonnes of pure and clean organic waste from large producers, mainly markets and supermarkets, slaughterhouses, and food (mainly fish, poultry and dairy) industry. Several pre-feasibility studies were conducted in cooperation with the GGGI, some were financed by the GCF. The developed business model shows basic good profitability. Carbon credit (art 6. PA/ITMO) financing through the Swiss Klik foundation shall be incorporated.
Upon completion of construction, WELTEC/generizon will manage for the customer the complete start-up phase and explain the plant’s specifics in detail during thorough training workshops.

WELTEC. in a nutshell.
- energy plants for organic waste. food industry. agriculture. wastewater treatment plants.
- first turn-key biogas plant solutions provider.
- first in stainless steal digesters.
- scrubbing/separation. bio-methane.
- 350+ installations. in 25 countries.
- individual. flexible. 24/7.
pls visite WELTEC BIOPOWER corporate webpage, reference sheets.